
Fun and Meaningful Date Night for Married Couples — Awesome Marriage — Marriage, Relationships, and Premarital Counseling with Dr. Kim Kimberling

When you were dating, building and creating a connection felt effortless. This connection, marked by excitement, curiosity, and frequent quality time together, was the foundation of your decision to continue dating and ultimately to get married. However, once married, many couples find that maintaining that connection becomes more challenging. 

This shift occurs because the dynamics of the relationship change as responsibilities increase. Daily routines, work pressures, household chores, and possibly raising children can consume the time and energy that were once dedicated to nurturing the relationship. The novelty and spontaneity that characterized the dating phase can fade, replaced by the demands of everyday life. Communication may suffer, and without intentional effort to prioritize the relationship, you might feel disconnected. 

This month’s date night is designed for you to reconnect and reminisce on your relationship.

Compile a playlist of songs that have been significant in your relationship. Some ideas:

Milestone Songs

  1. First Dance/Wedding Song

  2. First Date Song

  3. Engagement Song

Everyday Moments

  1. Morning Rituals

  2. Cooking Together

  3. Travel and Road Trips

Special Occasions

  1. Anniversaries

  2. Holidays

Love and Romance

  1. Love Songs

  2. Dedication Songs

Fun and Upbeat

  1. Dance Songs

    • Songs that get you two up and dancing, no matter where you are.

    • A song that was a hit at your wedding reception or parties.

  2. Sing-Along Songs

    • Songs you two love to sing together, even if off-key.

    • A song that always makes you two laugh or smile.

Reflective and Meaningful

  1. Reflective Songs

  2. Growth and Change

Personalized Touches

  1. Personal Favorites

  2. Special Lyrics

Story Originally Seen Here

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