
Fuel price comparison: Asda more expensive than other supermarkets

Asda tops the list for most expensive fuel. Find out where to get cheaper petrol and diesel and save money at the pump.

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If you’ve been feeling the pinch every time you fill up your car, you’re not alone.

The cost of petrol and diesel has been a hot topic lately, and for good reason.

So, let’s dive into the fuel frenzy and find out how you can save some cash at the pump.

Who’s charging what?

First off, let’s talk about the current situation.

In May 2024, RAC Fuel Watch showed that the average cost of a litre of unleaded petrol dropped a bit from 150.31p to 147.88p.

Although, it’s only 2.4p, it’s better than nothing, right?

But here’s the kicker: even though wholesale fuel costs have been falling, the prices at the pump are not dropping as fast as they should.

Now, you might be wondering where the best and worst places to fill up are.

Drumroll, please… it turns out that Asda, once the champion of cheap fuel, is now the most expensive supermarket for petrol and diesel.

Supermarket petrol prices

The table below shows the prices of supermarket petrol at the end of May 2024:

Supermarket Average price of petrol
Asda 147.4p
Morrisons 145.0p
Sainsbury’s 145.2p
Tesco 145.5p

Data from RAC Fuel Watch

Supermarket diesel prices

The table below shows the prices of supermarket petrol at the end of May 2024:

Supermarket Average price of diesel
Asda 153.0p
Morrisons 150.4p
Sainsbury’s 150.6p
Tesco 150.4p

Data from RAC Fuel Watch

You can also use your loyalty cards to earn points too, but all supermarkets have different

Asda’s average petrol price is 147.38p per litre, while Tesco, Morrisons, and Sainsbury’s are selling it for about 145.25p per litre.

Diesel follows the same trend with Asda at 152.98p per litre, compared to the other three at around 150.45p per litre.

When you compare supermarket prices, Asda is currently the cheapest one for food (if you ignore Aldi and Lidl, who don’t offer fuel).

So, while they’re cheaper to fill your belly, it’s surprising that they are the most expensive to fill your car.

Find cheaper fuel

Don’t worry, though.

There are still ways to save money on fuel.

Use fuel price comparison tools.

Just pop in your postcode, and voila!

You’ll get a list of the best prices near you.

Why are prices so high?

So why are we still paying so much at the pump?

The RAC has pointed out that retailers are taking higher margins than usual.

Historically, the margin on petrol is around 8p per litre, but now it’s at 13p.

Diesel margins are even higher at 16p per litre.

This means we’re not seeing the full benefit of the falling wholesale prices.

Naomi WillisNaomi Willis

Naomi knows the burden of living on very little and became debt free by following her own money saving tips and tricks. She is an expert on saving money at the supermarket and side hustles.

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